
Here's what you need to know to get started.


Projects are used to group related logs and events. In Minilog, a project is the top-level group. Project's logs are then differentiated by applications. So a project can contain logs from one or multiple applications. If you have multiple clients, you could, for example, create a project per client.

Free and Startup plans are limited to one project


Within a project, you can have multiple applications. An application typically represents a specific component or service of your software system. They help in organizing and filtering logs more efficiently Each log entry is associated with a specific application


Logs are the individual entries that contain information about your system. Each log entry in Minilog has the following fields:

  • Application: The specific application within the project that generated the log

  • Severity: The importance or urgency of the log (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)

  • Metadata: Additional structured data to provide context for the log

  • Data: The main content or message of the log

  • Creation Date: The timestamp when the log was created


Events are actions or occurrences within your system that you want to track and be notified about. Events are more dynamic than logs and are often used to trigger notifications. Each event in Minilog has the following fields:

  • Title: A brief, descriptive title for the event.

  • Description: A detailed explanation of the event.

  • Icon: An emoji representing the event, making it easily recognizable.

  • Metadata: Additional structured data to provide context for the event.

  • Channel: A keyword to group related events together, allowing for organized filtering and management.

Users can send events to Minilog and receive push notifications on their mobile devices or computers. This makes it easier to stay updated on important occurrences in real-time.


Tokens are used for sending logs to Minilog.

  • Each project has its own set of tokens

  • Tokens are used to securely send logs from your applications to Minilog

  • You can create multiple tokens for a project, allowing you to rotate or revoke access as needed

  • Tokens should be kept secure and not shared publicly

Last updated